How much is it to join?

You can join for $49 or $99 based on the kit you choose. Check out Join now to see current kits available.

Is there a monthly fee to sell?

No, not to sell. However, if you want your own replicated website (this is a link you share where when people order their orders get credited to your account for commission). That is $8.99 per month on a subscription. It can be cancelled if you don’t want this feature.

How much do I have to sell to stay an active Brand Ambassador?

$250 every 3 months. This is typically done in a rolling 3 month where if you do $250 in January you are active January, February, March and then in April you would need $250. Or if you do $100 in January, $100 in February, $50 in March then in April you would need $100 again.

How often do I get paid?

The 10th and 25th of each month as long as you have your direct deposit set up and have at least $10 for a payout.

How much do I make selling?
25% – 35% on the products (less hostess rewards, discounts, tax, and shipping).

How do you sell the products?

Building relationships is they key. You can sell via Facebook parties, home parties, vendor events.

Do I have to recruit?
